Trying and failing to slow down or quiet your thoughts?
Have you ever really noticed the way you think?
Our minds throw up so many thoughts, an endless parade of ideas demanding our attention. Some are harder to ignore than others, spawning chains of further thoughts.
How do your thoughts affect you?
Do they distract, making it hard to focus?
Do they send you into a spiral of worry?
Do they intensify feelings of frustration, anxiety, anger or sadness?
Mindfulness allows us to experience thoughts without the relentless pull to action or emotion. We don’t discount, ignore, or try to stop our thoughts. Instead, we learn to gently take control by learning to be aware of each thought and emotion and simply allowing them as much, or as little, energy and attention as we choose to give.
What can mindfulness do for you?
Gain awareness of your thoughts and feelings, as they arise and dissipate.
Enable control over which thoughts and feelings you choose to engage with.
Become aware of the transitory nature of many of the thoughts and feelings we often attribute to our idea of ‘self’.
Discover your unchanging core values.
Recognize the enduring part of you that is unaltered by passing thoughts and feelings.
Find peace and relief.
Want to find out how to make mindfulness work for you?