What is it?
The key component of resilience is the ability to recover from a setback and adapt to challenges. In other words, to endure, survive, and thrive despite what life throws at you. Resilience is a skill that can be learned and strengthened. It takes practice and appreciation of your incremental gains. When you acknowledge small changes, they can make a big impact.
What can it do for me?
Resilience building improves motivation, energy, and self-belief. Enhanced resilience will help you get the most out of the other strategies you use to help process and move through life’s challenges and setbacks.
How do I do it?
There are many ways to build resilience. It is important to engage with the process and choose the strategies that work for you. You are unique and your solutions need to have personal significance. Like any skill, you need to practice to improve. Committing to the process becomes easier when the strategies are personalized. The effects are felt more readily and sticking to it becomes something you want to do, not something you make yourself do.
Practicing the strategies will enhance your resilience incrementally. Don’t discount the small wins, acknowledging and appreciating them is part of the habit change that will give you a more resilient base to meet all future challenges.
When we discover our resilience, embrace and enhance it, we free ourselves from the expectation that difficulties are insurmountable.